Generate Consistency.

Activity Calendar Widget

Build your perfectly disciplined history on Github by making regular commits to one of your repositories.

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CommitCat Mascot

Why should I bother?

“Do you remember those good old days when your contribution calendar on GitHub was just a gimmick for us nerds? Now, HRs use it as a dedication and consistency metric for their decisions — like hiring, promoting or even layoffs. It is as dirty as it sounds and should not be tolerated.”

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Joel Rice

“I have twelve active projects on GitHub, making tens of PR reviews per week, but still my calendar looks desperately empty. I didn't give a damn about it until my last interview. ”

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Software Engineer

“After two rounds of tech interviews they asked for a digital trail of my online dev activity. I said it was all on-site and under NDA, which is true, but nobody seemed to care. Frustrating.”

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Patil Shakh
Junior QA

Get started Now

The time has never been on our side, don't waste it. Let's start your story!
Github Screenshot

🦊 Prepare new repository

Go to your Github and create a new private repository. I will be generating a code-like rubbish, so it's better to keep it private. Don't forget to enable Include private contributions on my profile option on Settings / Public profile.

Next, go to Settings / Developer Settings / Personal access tokens and generate a fine-grained personal access token: set Expiration to a maximum of 1 year, choose Only select repositories in the Repository access section and select your newly created repo. In the Permissions section add Read and Write access for the Contents option.

Click Generate token and copy your new token.

⚙️ Set up the bot

No registration or account activation required, no applications to install and no password to remember.

Just go to 👤 Account / ⚙️ Settings  / 🦊 Connection section of the bot and set your Github username, repository name, your fine-grained token from Step 1 and your email.

Note that the email address will be used to sign your commits and it should match exactly with your Github user email.

If your configuration was accepted by my git client, you will see the 🟢 Activated status on the 👤 Account frame within next 3-5 minutes

Bot Screenshot

⏱ Timeline

Fine-tune your account by adjusting your schedule in the Timeline section. 

🧩 Development

Choose your stack and commit generation intensity in the Development section. 

⚡ Activity

Today's commit plan and execution status will appear in the ️Activity section.

🗃️ Statistics

Commit stats for the last 6 months and last payments will appear in the  Statistics section. 

How much is that?

Way cheaper, then your time. Cheaper, then the cheapest cloud node.
Single plan, no registration required.
€ 5.89 / month
€ 2.99 / month
600 code commits
1 Git Account
5 Stack types
Adjustable schedule
AI Code generation
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